When will people listen to you, and why do people buy? They listen when you address their problem and they buy when they are convinced that your solution will solve it. So what is your first step? If you already have the product, ask yourself whose problem it is most likely to solve, and how it will solve the problem. Then design your sales process around fulfilling the needs of the market you have identified. (If you don’t have a product, then find a problem, get a product that solves a problem that people with money will buy, and present it to them).
How your solution will solve my problem is far more enticing than what a product or service can do. It’s a time trusted concept called features versus benefits. Your presentation is designed by outlining the problem, sketching the current and the ideal situation, showing that the current situation sucks and how your solution creates the ideal situation for them, and then telling your audience to buy it now and making it simple for them to do so.
Because of credit cards, its never been easier for people to buy, especially when they have just been enthused. So make sure that they buy, that it’s from you and that it’s now.
It’s quite simple. Why would people part with their cash unless you are solving their problems? The amount they are prepared to spend is in proportion to their perception of the size of their problem.
Now ask yourself why people spend what they do on luxury items when a basic item usually performs 90% of the required functions (eg. motor vehicles or cell phones)? The answer is the same. It solves a problem – usually the need to be seen to be successful. If it solves a problem, people will buy. If it doesn’t, they won’t.