You’ve just experienced a fantastic speech. Everyone is commenting on how good it was, and you were fortunate enough to be there – hearing it live! [message_box color=”blue”] Do you think you can pinpoint exactly what it was that made this speech so good?[/message_box] How would it be if you could bottle the magic formula so […]
[message_box color=”blue”] What’s this about? Simply, it’s about setting yourself up in advance to deliver a dazzling presentation that gets you the result you intended.[/message_box] They’ve come to hear you speak. Their time, like yours is precious. There were many other things they could have been doing. Instead, they chose to attend your presentation. In reality, […]
[message_box color=”blue”]What this blog is about: The logical process of improvement, overcoming our presentation fears, and why the skills of presenting should be developed over time. This blog shows why presentation skills should not be reserved solely for sales people and managers.[/message_box] When faced with the prospect of having to do a presentation, it is completely […]
This article is about why many of us still get presentations wrong, why the missing ingredient is usually….missing, what the missing ingredient is and exactly what to do about it. Here’s a typical presentation scenario: New product, roadshow looming – you’re doing the presentation. You’ve got started on the slide show, working on it when you’ve […]
[message_box color=”blue”]This blog is about preparation: how often you should rehearse, and how to use time to ensure that you are prepared for all presentation related eventualities.[/message_box] It’s true to say that professionals have their talks really well canned – but a sales or business presentation is a different matter. Usually one is speaking on […]
[info]This blog will show you: How to repair a presentation before you start with 12 points on slide show effectiveness.[/info] The wrecking formula is quite simple. Plenty of slides with lots of text, little or no practice, and insufficient time to prepare – in other words, the modus operandi of the majority of presenters in our […]
The main purpose of delivering a presentation is to achieve your desired outcome. Whatever it’s about, you want people to take action on your suggestions. Since it takes time and considerable effort to structure a presentation, you want to ensure that it is well received and achieves that desired result. So what are the key […]
Imagine a sports person taking the field for a key match without months of preparation coupled with the required experience? But this is what so many presenters do – they step up to the podium inadequately prepared thinking their product knowledge and charm will get them through. Maybe it does, or maybe it doesn’t. The […]
You may vividly remember the first time you ever gave a presentation of some sort, or perhaps you don’t. What you should however remember, very vividly, is the first presentation you delivered that went wrong. What you’ll remember is the panic of being out of control. Most of all, you’ll recall the anxiety of what […]
There is such a proliferation of content available on just about any topic now that if your content is not interesting and well presented – be it written or spoken, it is unlikely to receive much attention. This applies not only to the written word where the reader can simply stop reading, but also to […]