Presentations: The Value of Anticipation

[message_box  color=”blue”]Target reader: advanced or experienced presenters/speakers[/message_box] It may seem obvious to the seasoned presenter that excellence develops as a result of consistent planning and ultimately by gaining experience. But with experience comes another tool for advanced presenters who have moved their focus beyond worrying about popularity. Presenters who focus keenly on desired results of a […]

It’s A Set-Up!

No matter how well you’ve prepared your presentation, there is a point at which your time has run out. When the minutes start counting down and you have just an hour before you’re due to go live, where exactly will you be? You can be in a relaxed state, well prepared, having just parked outside […]

9 Key Slide Show Tips

These tips come from years of not only training and coaching presentation skills delegates, but assessing them too. These are easily the most basic errors that inexperienced presenters make on their visuals. These errors have a catastrophic impact on audience perception and apart from immediately labeling you amateurish, will detract from your message and your […]