Prepare Well, Rehearse Some

[message_box  color=”blue”]This blog is about preparation: how often you should rehearse, and how to use time to ensure that you are prepared for all presentation related eventualities.[/message_box] It’s true to say that professionals have their talks really well canned – but a sales or business presentation is a different matter. Usually one is speaking on […]

Presentations: Turning Question Time Into A Breeze

[message_box  color=”blue”]Do you find that question time is the graveyard of your well prepared presentation? It needn’t be…[/message_box] Planning. We all understand that this is fundamental to success. It is particularly so in presentations, and the added fear factor ensures that most people do indeed plan and prepare their presentations prior to going live. As […]

The Unavoidable Trend

If you’re an Alvin Toffler reader, you will be familiar with his views that the schooling system was designed by the rich to keep the poor in poverty forever and to work in their factories. He goes on to describe how school teaches us to learn an immense amount of useless information by heart and […]


What Makes Presentations Effective?

When we hear or see the word “presentation,” visions of formal attire, PowerPoint, critical audience, sales pitches and frazzled nerves come to mind. But is this the one and only recipe? Let’s unpick this a little. What is a presentation really? A presentation is “a specifically defined period of time to convince an audience of […]

What Were Those School Subjects For?

It was many years after I left school that I tried to figure out what all those subjects were for, and why we were obliged to study them? The other thought that begged to be answered was this: Which subjects were most important? I figured that it depended on what you planned to do after […]

Visual Impact In Sales And Presentations

Research has revealed conclusively that emotion has more impact than logic at point of decision, and that similarly visual impact influences decision making more than concrete evidence – crazy as it may sound!. For example, relatively few people decide to purchase a vehicle based solely on the proof of performance which lies under the vehicle’s […]

What Will They Think Of Me If I Fail?

This question rests in the back of every speaker’s mind before they deliver a presentation. And if it’s not there, you can be sure that disaster is not far away. Having conducted hundreds of speaking engagements, I know that no matter how well prepared you are, there are dozens of possible ways that your presentation […]