Using Humour In Your Presentations

Use of humour in a presentation is a distinct advantage if used well and appropriately. By appropriately, I mean that a joke for the sake of getting a laugh is inappropriate. A joke that fits the content and helps to make a point is appropriate. In contrast, humour that doesn’t work puts you on the […]

Going In With A Plan

Many years ago I attended a course on selling and decided to immediately put into action a key segment of what I had learnt. I had a big appointment coming up, a presentation to a human resources director, the marketing manager and four factory managers of a pharmaceutical company. They needed a programme to increase […]

The Authentic Presenter’s Journey

I have been asked, on more than one occasion why I wrote “Even You Can Present with Confidence”. Well, I’ve coached presentation skills long enough to understand that if more people knowwhat they need to do in order to be able to speak easily and with self assurance to an audience, then so many more of […]

The Best Weapon In A Presenter's Arsenal

During my inaugural Iran trip in June/July 2009 I made 6 presentations amounting to 2 presentations each at 3 separate conferences. In each case, a large percentage of the audience preferred to don headphones and listen to the simultaneous Farsi translation of the interpreter. This creates a whole new ball game for the speaker. It […]

Can't Face An Audience? Here's THE SECRET

After hearing a fellow Certified Speaking Professional deliver a peach of a speech recently, I asked him how he manages to speak to audiences with such ease and confidence. He surprised me by replying that it was not always so. On probing a little, he revealed to me how he got to where he is […]