Look After Your Voice

The possibility of losing your voice before a speech or presentation rates right up there as one of the greatest fears facing presenters and facilitators. The voice is a powerful but fragile instrument capable of the finest and most subtle nuances. We should really be looking after it properly. Here are some simple but useful […]

Slide Show Sludge. Urgh!

[info]Is your slide show achieving what you intended? What if it isn’t…[/info] Your slides are supposed to help you make a better presentation. For most of us it does the opposite. Here’s why: Psychologically most of us create a slide show to help us stay on track. That’s the truth. Then we read it to […]

They’ll Judge You On What They See

Of our five senses, we rely predominantly on our eyes for information – in fact research reveals that the eyes give us as much as 87% of our information. It follows then that the visual information we give out has an overriding impact on the success of any presentation. This is why practice is never […]