Why Should They Buy You?

If two suppliers offered exactly the same product of exactly the same quality and colour at exactly the same price, and you could only choose one, who would you choose? Most people would choose neither. When people have the choice, they choose what they perceive, in a split second, to be of most benefit to […]

What Is A Presentation?

What is a presentation? We broadly define a presentation as an opportunity to convince an audience of an idea, concept or product. What size constitutes an audience? An audience can be anything from one to an infinite number of people. So, can an audience be one person? Yes it most certainly can. One uses different […]

What's The Problem?

When will people listen to you, and why do people buy? They listen when you address their problem and they buy when they are convinced that your solution will solve it. So what is your first step? If you already have the product, ask yourself whose problem it is most likely to solve, and how […]

Keep It Simple

This weeks tip is around simplicity. Multi-media presentations are the “in-thing” these days. In fact, there are so many things you can do today to enhance the quality and effect of your presentation. It’s now possible to add music or video clips that cue automatically or by mouse click, use different transitions to create required […]