Are Your Presentation Skills Adequate?

[message_box  color=”blue”]What this blog is about: The logical process of improvement, overcoming our presentation fears, and why the skills of presenting should be developed over time. This blog shows why presentation skills should not be reserved solely for sales people and managers.[/message_box] When faced with the prospect of having to do a presentation, it is completely […]

Prepare Well, Rehearse Some

[message_box  color=”blue”]This blog is about preparation: how often you should rehearse, and how to use time to ensure that you are prepared for all presentation related eventualities.[/message_box] It’s true to say that professionals have their talks really well canned – but a sales or business presentation is a different matter. Usually one is speaking on […]

Fail To Prepare, Expect Disaster.

There are many ways to deliver a good speech. And there is more than one way to prepare a dazzling presentation. But it’s unusual to hear a good speech or presentation that did not involve preparation in one form or another. Here are some common scenarios: You’ve studied your topic and know your stuff. Your […]